Posted by Justin Sray on Monday, January 19, 2009
Well, for a long time now I have been wanting to have my own website to put my all my stuff, at first I was kinda tring to make my newgrounds page into my site. That really didnt work so i looked at myspace, and really, you have a way better page page on YOUTUBE! So, latly someoe at my school keeps talking about making this really "weird" game that was at first I think just a copy of a different game, but actually I don't think that thats actually what it is or even that he has a game in the works. He kept saying to go to his site for info or something about it, and it was like regenastar.synythesite or something. I couldn;t believe that that was a real site!
But, when I tried going there my computer had a seisure and then I was like ah screw it. I started making a site offline with this horrible site maker thing, and just never really got to the point where it would be worth finding to somehow put into this one.